Home Sapphires Here Are Top 5 Gemstones For Investment Purpose

Here Are Top 5 Gemstones For Investment Purpose

Here Are Top 5 Gemstones For Investment Purpose


Stock and share markets have always been subject to market risks. And, with declining currency value, negative fluctuations in the cryptocurrency world, it is safe to say that the conventional investment market is looking for a reliable and stable way out. At such a juncture, investment in gemstones or healing crystals has caught the eye of market experts and new-age investors. The exotic, rare and absolutely beautiful healing crystals are continuously becoming a stable source of profit. Gemstones have become a thing of the popular culture, from famous celebrities purchasing them as engagement rings to veteran artists using it for triggering good luck, everyone wants to get their hands on these eccentric crystals.Also Read – Why Purifying Healing Crystals is Crucial? 5 Omnipotent Energising Gemstones And Best Way to Energise Them

The raging demand for gemstone supply exceeds its number, thereby rocketing its prices sky-high. Here we have curated a list of top-five gemstones for profitable investment results: Also Read – Consider Wearing These 4 Gemstones to Attract Health And Happiness

Though brand-new Ruby mines can now be found in Africa and Asia, the most popular and rare Rubies originate from Myanmar (formerly known as Burma). With its sporadic fiery red or true red hue, almost like the top layer of molten lava, the rarest Ruby shade, Burma Ruby, is an investment hotshot. It has been counted as a premium investment gem for years. Associated with the mighty Sun, Ruby is said to provide benefits to the wearer according to the Sun’s placements in their horoscope. The authentic Burma Rubies are in short supply, and therefore their price is always on the rise. If you get your hands on one, rest assured, it is as sound an investment as buying ten Burj Khalifa. Also Read – The Festive Season is Here, And What Better Way to Enjoy it Than by Dressing up in Chic Jewellery Pieces

  • Kashmir Blue Sapphire or Kashmiri Neelam

The most prominent kind of Blue Sapphire originates from Kashmir with bona fide blue shade and a satin-like texture. Mined during the 18th century, which led to the depletion of the mines in Kashmir later during the 19th century, these precious Blue Sapphire stones from Kashmir are almost cardinal for investors and gemstone collectors. The super-valuable stones rarely come out during high-class exhibits, and chances of them being mined again are practically lost. Popular for strengthening the position of Saturn in the wearer’s horoscope, Blue Sapphire is known for summoning instant good luck.

  • Alexandrite or Color changing-garnet

Named after Russian emperor Czar Alexander II, Alexandrite is often referred to as the most-valued gemstone globally. Integrated with crescent color-changing traits, Alexandrite is the first love of most gemstone aficionados worldwide. Closely associated with planet Mercury, the one-of-a-kind gemstones can easily unlock intellectual powers, eliminate creative blocks and promote wholesome healing benefits. The Alexandrite stone is exceptionally rare, and therefore its price never steps down. As an investment piece, it is highly valuable and profitable for investors.

The No Oil Emerald is a remarkably breathtaking gemstone with naturally clean attributes. For astrological experts, gemstone enthusiasts and investors, there’s no better investment bigwig than No Oil Emerald. It is highly valuable and rare, making it the perfect stone for a lucrative investment. However, it is advisable that before investing in a No Oil Emerald, make sure a reliable laboratory authenticates it. Since it is difficult to ascertain this gemstone, and advanced technology has made it easier to counterfeit gemstones, it is better to be safe than sorry.

The strikingly beautiful and most scarce sapphires, Padparadscha, are a sui generis mixture of pink and orange hue, making it absolutely soothing and visually comforting. With an expensive price range coming close to rubies and emeralds, Padparadscha stones recently gained popularity after Princess Eugenie used them in her engagement ring. Treasured by gemstone connoisseurs, Padparadscha stones are elegant, beautiful, and sensational pieces of goodness. Hailing from a wide range of awe-inspiring gemstones, Padparadscha stone is a thing of beauty, and investors won’t find it difficult to get highly productive results by investing in them.

Bottom Line

As reported in May earlier this year, the Indian gems and jewelry market is valued at USD 2.4 billion, significantly higher than the same period in 2020. The aforementioned gemstones are just the tip of the iceberg, as the entire healing crystal market is a massive maze with numerous investment-worthy gemstones. Fueled by their modern-age popularity as a trademark style statement, fortune bringing power, and widely believed psychological, physical, and spiritual healing benefits, the gemstones have become an integral part of the contemporary world.

These tiny and vibrantly colored stones are filled with magnanimous power, traditional charms, and modern usage. It is clear that their super-agitated and sparkling demands won’t diminish in the near future

(By Nitin Yadav, Founder and CEO at GemPundit) 




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