India organised an interactive guest session for its students at the Mumbai campus. Janak Mistry, Managing Director and Group CEO of Lexus Group and Lemon Technomist, was the guest speaker. The session started with his introduction by Apoorva Deshingkar, Senior Director – Education and Market Development, GIA India.
A qualified engineer with extensive experience in design engineering, Janakbhai is known for his cutting-edge, sophisticated and precision-driven diamond technology applications. In an hour-long interactive session, Janakbhai enlightened the students on the topic “Colour Optimisation for Fancy Colours and Weight Optimisation for Fancy Shapes”. In the session, he shared the latest technology and recent trends in coloured diamonds, cutting techniques and more. He also shared insights on the optical performance of a diamond and ways to alter the colour saturation of a diamond by way of cut.
In addition to the guest session, Janakbhai also handed out diplomas to the GIA Graduate Diamond Diploma Programme students. Speaking on the occasion, he said, “The programme has given students the knowledge and skills essential to pursue a career in the gem and jewellery industry. All the students are ambassadors of GIA. I hope you can help the trade and, in turn, the consumer experience.”
Apoorva Deshingkar said, “On behalf of GIA, I’d like to thank Janakbhai for sharing these insights with the students. Providing a platform for GIA students to interact with distinguished movers and shakers of the industry is yet another value which GIA adds to its students’ lives to become industry-ready.” Addressing the students, he added, “As you graduate, you become a GIA alumni member. Through our periodic alumni meets, you will continue to receive opportunities to interact with accomplished members of the gem and jewellery industry.”
GIA Graduate Diamond Diploma Programme students with their certificates
L-to-R (seated): Karan Kundra, GIA Instructor; Janak Mistry, Managing Director and Group CEO of Lexus Group and Lemon Technomist and Apoorva Deshingkar, Senior Director – Education and Market Development, GIA India
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